“… really goddamned great music.” – CORY DOCTOROW, BoingBoing.net
“You should go see them; they know how to put on a great live show, their songwriting is top-notch, and they’re on their way to being gigantic.” – PAUL CONSTANT – The Stranger
“Some bands like to have the strings and guitars battle over the song, but Pillow Army weaves the cello and viola into the music, laid down by the guitar, creating a depth that is hard to achieve.” – NICK LARZALERE – Seattle Show Gal

Pillow Army was once an up-and-coming chamber-rock group in Seattle until circumstances forced a retreat. Singer/songwriter/guitarist Tim Franklin relocated to Nashville, where he formed the Christmas supergroup The X-Misses and is currently finishing the follow-up to his debut album Hold Still. The first iteration of the band released the excellent EP To Comfort and Destroy. By the time they disbanded, the group had grown from a quartet to a septet and their full power was never captured in a studio recording. Someday they will regroup and rise again to record the full-length album that never was. Until then, you can only remember what once was and imagine what could’ve been. Subscribe to Tim’s Youtube channel to stay up to date – http://www.youtube.com/tfranklin
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